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InterAct Ministries


Classification: Nonprofit
Type of Organization: Missions-Sending
Legal Name: InterAct Ministries
Established: 1951

Organizational Principles

Purpose & Mission Statement:

InterAct Ministries is involved primarily in evangelism, discipleship and church planting among indigenous people groups in the North Pacific Crescent, that area of the world that includes Russia/Siberia, Alaska and western Canada.

Denomination(s): Interdenominational
Member Organization(s): Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)
Open to New Locations: No
Service Locations: National (United States)
Active Cities:
Active Regions:
Active States: Alaska
Active Countries: Canada
Russian Federation
United Kingdom

Doctrinal Statement:

Although current members come from a wide variety of denominational backgrounds (e.g. Baptist, Evangelical Free, Methodist, Christian & Alliance, Independent, and more), InterAct Ministries is a non-denominational, non-charismatic mission organization whose members adhere to a corporate statement of doctrinal belief. Below is a brief summary of InterAct's doctrinal statement; a copy of the complete statement can also be downloaded. -We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, verbally inspired Word of God. It is our guide in all matters of personal and organizational life. -We believe in the triune Godhead, composed of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. -We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, sinless life, death, bodily resurrection and future physical return to earth. -We believe that through His death, all who receive Christ as personal Saviour are declared righteous by faith on the basis of His shed blood. Because it is only through Jesus Christ that men are saved, those who have never accepted Him are lost and will spend eternity apart from God. Therefore we are compelled to respond obediently to the Great Commission by going and making disciples of all nations. -We believe that at the time of salvation, the Holy Spirit baptizes all believers into the Body of Christ and permanently indwells them. -We believe that all true believers once saved, will be kept saved by the power of God forever. -We believe that all believers have eternal life and are expected to live a godly life that involves separation from the sinful pleasures of the world system.

Core Values:

Scripture authoritative and sufficient for life and ministry

Relationships loving God and loving people

Cross-cultural Ministry recognition of worldview and cultural implications in ministry

Whole-life discipleship walking with disciples through all stages of life and growth

Gathered Believers recognizing the centrality of the local church

Commitment placing a high priority on long-term incarnational ministries


Ministries Offered Administration
Church Planting
Language Lessons
Pastoral Training
Missionary Durations: 1 to 3 Months
4 to 11 Months
1 to 2 Years
More than 2 Years
Long Term/One Way
Individuals: Yes
Divorced: Yes
Married Couples: Yes
Families: Yes
Groups: Yes
Preferred Group Sizes: 3 to 15 People
Educational Requirements: Yes
Preferred Education Level: Some College
Does the organization provide funding? No
Does the organization provide benefits? Yes

Organization Provided Benefits:

On-field training, assistance in support raising

Trip Costs Details:

EnGage! summer internships range from $1,350 to $3,000 depending on location.

Does the organization require training? Yes
Does the organization provide training? No

Training Required for Service:

Varies according to assignment

Long-Term Missionary Accountability Practices:

Field supervision, member care, administration (gift receipting, payroll, etc.)

Application Process:

After completing application, face-to-face interviews in Oregon. Then training in support raising skills (contracted) and a return trip to Oregon for organizational orientation.


Looking For Volunteers: Yes
Volunteer Services: Graphic Design
Volunteer Positions: Travel Volunteer (Part Time)
Willing to accept volunteers outside of the specified denomination: Yes
Costs associated with volunteering? No
Training Provided? No